Born of label Neprakta
"It was not difficult to come up with a company name. After the winning February, national and cooperative companies with names such as Masna, Druča, Obuna, Chemodroga, Vodotechna and other distortions ending in the letter "a" began to emerge. The newspaper could not boast of this convenience, they thought that when someone wanted to buy ten blankets of salami and saw around them the words "Sausage sales", "Butcher and sausage maker", "Sausages", "Meat, lard, sausages", "Sausage production" , is completely confused and does not know where to enter. However, the beautiful and uniform name "Masna" leaves him in no doubt that this is the store he was looking for. How practical! And because we wanted to sell something that no one really wanted, which was a really impractical idea in the forty-eighth year, we founded Neprakta. Today, no one knows that it was meant as a company, and I hear the name. We came up with the first ten jokes at the time, I drew them and we went with them to the Svobodné slova editorial office on Wenceslas Square. The pictures weren't worth much, but the kind editor Peroutka chose two so that we could come again. We crossed Václavák, went to the Porcupine editorial office and the friendly editor Vavřín also chose two pictures. Then we went around the corner to MY 48 magazine in the third place, and there a less kind editor asked us if we were in the Youth Union. So we did backwards and we didn't go to any other newsroom. Nevertheless, the magazines began to speak on their own, and so over the years our scope has expanded. We usually went to the editorial office together, Václav Lacina came up with the name Neprakta quadruped for us. In the twenty years of cooperation that ended Bedřich's death, we have published thousands of jokes, and perhaps this was not a useless job at that gloomy time."

Excerpt from the book Na návštěvě u Neprakty, Jiří Winter - Neprakta